Kamis, 28 November 2013

citrus fruit is round

citrus fruit is round

Grapefruit is a large citrus fruit other than orange keluargabuah , about 10-12 cm in diameter . His skin is thick , glossy , greenish yellow skin color . As with other citrus fruits , meat Grapefruit has a segmented , the segments are covered with a membrane that is strong , thin , fibrous , and is called the albedo . Meat Grapefruit very juissy and taste somewhat bitter .
      Pomelo fruit can be stored at room temperature for a week or ventilated in the refrigerator for 6-8 days .Pomelo fruit can be processed into juice drink for breakfast , drinks companion snack , appetizer or dinner drinks . Pomelo fruit can be mixed with sugar as a hot orange drink . In addition ,Pomelo fruit can be added to vegetable salads , avocado mixed in salads seafood dishes . Grapefruit skin can be made ​​preserves or jam .
The types of fruit Grapefruit most tekenal is White Marsh , Flame , Rio Red and Star Ruby . While this type of Pomelo fruit is less well known is Duncan and Golden .Pomelo fruit was first found in China 4000 years ago . The other type is Polemo derived precisely from the island of Jamaica Barbados.Buah Grapefruit has large trees , tall with lush leaves . Grapefruit growing in the area rather hot temperatures .Currently , Florida , Texas , and California can meet 90 % of world production .

Name grapefruit only known in Indonesia. In other countries, pomelo had another name. For example, in the Philippines, locals menyebutkanya suha or lukban. Meanwhile, the Thai people call som-oh. In Bangladesh, this jumbo orange nicknamed jambura, and the Chinese people know him as youzi.jeruk bali including seasonal fruit. Within a year, the farmers harvest only perform up to two times. But actually, in addition to the harvest season, pomelo trees can still bear fruit, although the amount of sweet grapefruit terbatas.Memilih tricky. You see, grapefruit peel usually green or yellow when ripe. To find the sweet orange, we have to look at the contents of the flesh. In Indonesia, grapefruit cultivated by means of grafting. It is mainly for this type of grapefruit that has no seeds. How to graft cultivation was more profitable than planting seeds or cuttings, because the cropping period is shorte

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