Kamis, 28 November 2013

beautiful fruit

 beautiful fruit

 Grapefruit is a citrus fruit including types that have a larger size when compared to the type of citrus grapefruit lain.Buah have thick skin greenish, watery fruit, red fruit flesh, and has a sweet taste, sour and slightly getir.Jika compared with white grapefruit, red grapefruit has a better ability to reduce levels of fat, addition of red grapefruit also contain high antioxidant which can prevent the growth of cancer cells and prevent premature aging.

White layer on the skin that grapefruit has a bitter taste , but this layer can reduce levels kolesterol.Buah grapefruit contains many vitamins , minerals , flavonoids , and antioxidants that are very high ( pectin and lycopene ) . Even the content of lycopene in grapefruit is equivalent to 2 times the beta-carotene and 10 times that of vitamin E.Selain the ability of lycopene from grapefruit in preventing the oxidation of bad cholesterol or LDL ( Low Density Lipoprotein ) is better than beta-carotene .

In addition to direct eaten , the fruit is usually processed into juice drinks . This drink mempu lower cholesterol and maintain heart health because grapefruit juice has soluble fiber ( pectin ) that much more when compared with other citrus varieties , namely 3.9 % pectin .Here is the content of nutrients and minerals in grapefruit , namely : Energy : 48 ( kcal ),  Protein : 0.6 g, Fat : 0.2 g, Carbohydrates : 12.4 g, Calcium : 23 mg, Phosphorus : 27 mg, Iron : 0.5 mg, Vitamin A : 20 SI,Vitamin B1 : 0.04 mg.;

The types of fruit Grapefruit most tekenal is White Marsh, Flame, Rio Red and Star Ruby. While this type of Pomelo fruit is less well known is Duncan and Golden. Pomelo fruit was first found in China 4000 years ago. The other type is Polemo derived precisely from the island of Jamaica Barbados.Buah Grapefruit has large trees, tall with lush leaves. Grapefruit growing in the area rather hot temperatures. Currently, Florida, Texas, and California can meet 90% of world production.

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