Kamis, 28 November 2013

grapefruit ready for harvest

grapefruit ready for harvest

Pomelo is a kind of fruit which has the Latin name Citrus Maxima or citrusgrandis In the international market , grapefruit commonly referred to as pomelo . Malay people call it a big lime , in Thailand given the nickname Ma o , in the Philippines was named lukban or suha , chinese dub dou you or Youzi , in Bangladesh called jambura and in Japan in call with Bontan .
In addition to the sweet fruit , which can also be prepared from grapefruit is a thick skin that can be made sweets . The flowers by the people Vietnamese commonly used as a perfume ingredient from the timber while the usual contrived pomelo kitchen utensils .

Pomelo including the type that is able to adapt well in dry areas and are relatively resistant disease , particularly GO 've destroyed the citrus crop in Indonesia . This fruit is a seasonal fruit , can be harvested only twice a year . Grapefruit plantings are mostly done in Indonesia is by grafting . This method is considered more profitable than planting seeds or cuttings , because the cropping period is shorter .

Pomelo fruit will be activated on the third year after planting . However, to avoid nutritional deficiencies tree , then in the early planting pruning should be done if felt too much fruit .Age pomelo long enough . After a 23 -year -old ,pomelo can still be fruitful . To note of pomelo planting cultivation is a threat in the form of fruit fly pests and kecabuk .Kecabuk usually make grapefruit to black . To overcome this , the necessary pesticides and methyl eugenol . As for fruit flies , what is needed is a trap ..

Grapefruit benefits to health
1 . Help prevent UTIDrink lots of water and cranberry juice are two effective ways to help overcome the natural urinary tract infection . Grapefruit , with vitamin C can also help fight inflammation is common during kehamilan.tingkat acidity in the urine can inhibit the growth of bacteria in the urinary tract .
2 . Faster wound healingIf those who underwent surgery , a bath with vitamin C -rich fruits such as grapefruits and other citrus fruits . Vitamin C is a cofactor of enzymes involved in the formation of collagen , a protein that strengthens and makes skin elastic encourage faster wound healing .
3 . Improving the health of teeth and gumsBleeding gums and loose teeth may be a sign of a lack of vitamin C. Collagen is not only important in the formation of skin , but also in building healthy teeth and gums .
4 . Help prevent anemiaScientific discoveries have shown that vitamin C can increase iron absorption in tubuh.Itulah is why it is best to drink orange juice if you are taking iron supplements , or eating broccoli or vitamin C -rich vegetables with meat so that both nutrients are present in the intestine at the time same .
5 . Help prevent colds and fluVitamin C is a nutrient that plays a very important part in stimulating action of antibodies and immune cells that keep the body against invaders such as bacteria and viruses that can cause respiratory problems .
6 . Helps regulate blood pressure levelsAnother good reason to eat pomelo is due to the rich content of potassium . It was well known in general that potassium helps lower blood pressure levels . Avocado , banana and guava are few fruits rich in this essential mineral .
7 . Helps prevent osteoporosisWhat potassium should be used for bone health ? studies have shown a significant association between intake of potassiumfood and bone mineral density .
8 . Helps prevent leg crampsIf you ever have leg cramps that may mean that you need more kalium.salah a mineral that plays an important role in muscle contraction and nerve transmission .
9 . Improving bowel regularityGrapefruit is also packed with fiber , which must have nutrients to help maintain bowellarge regular , prevent hemorrhoids and even colon cancer .
10 . Help with weight lossDid you know that fiber is a friend for weight management ? Experts believe that most high fiber foods stay in the stomach longer results in the sensation of satiety for longer , they also require more chewing time giving the body more time to feel satisfied reduce the risk of too much eating .Grapefruit is also one of the few fruits that contain protein and calcium .

grapefruit cultivation

grapefruit cultivation

Grapefruit is one type of citrus with flavors of sweet, sour and fresh. The fruit is a healthy choice for diabetics. It is recommended to consume grapefruit half a day ..Grapefruit, grapefruit, or pamelo (English: pomelo, scientific: Citrus grandis, C. maxima) is the largest citrus fruit producer. The name "pomelo" is now recommended by the Department of Agriculture because orange is not related to Bali.This includes the type of orange that is able to adapt well in dry areas and are relatively resistant disease, particularly GO ever destroy citrus plantations in Indonesia.Actually, if the problem is the same as the efficacy jerukBalijeuk other sweet. 
It just has a little different characteristics of sweet orange, green fruit, but it feels somewhat similar to sweet orange.amelo fruit flesh can be eaten directly after the peel. Or it could also be made for rujakan that tastes really good. Thick skin of citrus fruits can be used to make sweets
The benefits of citrus fruits as fresh food or processed foods, which contain vitamin C eminence. Some countries have produced oil from the skin and seeds of oranges, molasses, alcohol and pectin from citrus fruits which wasted. For orange peel oil is used to make perfumes, scented soaps, essences and to explain cake mix drinks.o Some types of citrus such as lime is used as a traditional medicine for fever, pain upper airway inflammation and healing eyes.Orange peel is able to absorb the excess oil from the skin, thereby reducing facial shine due to excess oil. Moreover, it turns orange peel can also lift dead skin cells and dry from the surface of the face so as to make the face more clean and bright

Grapefruit health benefits. Content pektinnya more than other types of citrus. Pectin is believed to lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease.
Almost everyone knows grapefruit. Flavor and distinctive shape .. Her skin is often exploited children in rural areas as raw materials cars.
The fruit can be white candied after the outer skin discarded parts that contain lots of oil glands. In Vietnam, fragrant flowers are used to make perfume. Not only that, the wood is also often used for tool handles kitchen appliance.

part in citrus fruits

part in citrus fruits

Orange or lime are all members of the genus Citrus flowering plants of sukuRutaceae( citrus tribe ) . Members shaped tree with fleshy fruit with a sour taste fresh , although many of its members who have a sweet taste . Sour taste comes from citric acid content which is to be contained in all anggotanya.Sebutan " orange " is sometimes also pinned on some other clan members are still related in the same tribe , as trifolia .

In everyday language , the mention of " lemon " or " lime " ( in Sumatra and Malaysia ) often means " tangerine orange " or " orange " . In Java , " lime " ( or " limo " ) means " orange nipisJeruk very diverse and some species can intersect and produce hybrids between species ( " interspecific hybrid ) which has a distinctive character , which is different from the parent species . Biodiversity is often difficult classification , naming and recognition of its members , because new people can see the difference after a flower or fruit appear . Consequently it is not clear how many kinds. Recent studies indicate is a strong linkage with the Citrus genus Fortunella( Kumkuat ) , Poncirus , and MicrocitrusdanEremocitrus , so there is the possibility of the merger . Citrus itself has two anakmarga( subgenus ) , namely Citrus and Papeda .

 There grapefruit flesh white, but some are reddish. Typically, reddish grapefruit has sweeter taste than the grapefruit which have white flesh. Flesh that is fresh and contains a lot of water, can be eaten after a peel or a mixed salad and salad. Meat fresh grapefruit contains a lot of water and eat immediately after the peel by hand or mixed in a salad; sometimes the juice is extracted. The inside of the white rind can be candied after the outer skin discarded parts that contain lots of oil glands. In Vietnam, fragrant flowers are used to make perfume. The wood is used for tool handles. Pomelo fruit is low quality is still maintained for the benefit of the leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds for cough, fever, and gastrointestinal disorders.

in the form of orange peel

in the form of orange peel

Fans of pomelo rind definitely know when it feels bitter bitter even when ingested. However, with a touch of creativity, abracadabra! Sweets to jam everyone else know tercipta.Hampir grapefruit. Of all kinds of oranges, grapefruit or pomelo is a citrus-the biggest scientific name Citrus grandis. The fruit is oval, slightly pointed top and flat bottom. Skin yellowish green fruit, red fruit flesh and there are also white and tastes quite sweet yet slightly tart, smooth and juicy texture.The flesh can be eaten after the peel , orange juice is made or can be used for a mixed salad and salad . But in addition to fresh fruit , grapefruit peel are always considered as waste turned out to also have considerable economic value baik.Di Indonesia , orange peel is known to be very thick and padded so it 's too bad if it is not utilized . Grapefruit peel usually used to make toys by children , but other than that it turns grapefruit peel can be processed into a delicious meal .
       Basically grapefruit peel does have a bitter taste , bitter and smell Sengir , but with good processing and correct the bitter taste can be removed so that it will produce a good quality product and can be accepted by consumers . One form of processed orange peel selai.Selai this is made ​​from the juice and rind of Citrus genus commonly called marmalade . This marmalade can be used as a spread on bread, sweet loaf , can be used for the manufacture of cakes , pastries , candy , or sweeteners in beverages such as yogurt and ice cream or . With so many products that use jam indicates that the market opportunities of the jam is quite extensive.

Grapefruit is a citrus fruit including types that have a larger size when compared to the type of citrus grapefruit lain.Buah have thick skin greenish , watery fruit , red fruit flesh , and has a sweet taste , sour and slightly getir.Jika compared with white grapefruit , red grapefruit has a better ability to reduce levels of fat , addition of red grapefruit also contain high antioxidant which can prevent the growth of cancer cells and prevent premature aging .

White layer on the skin that grapefruit has a bitter taste , but this layer can reduce levels kolesterol.Buah grapefruit contains many vitamins , minerals , flavonoids , and antioxidants that are very high ( pectin and lycopene ) . Even the content of lycopene in grapefruit is equivalent to 2 times the beta-carotene and 10 times that of vitamin E.Selain the ability of lycopene from grapefruit in preventing the oxidation of bad cholesterol or LDL ( Low Density Lipoprotein ) is better than beta-carotene .In addition to direct eaten , the fruit is usually processed into juice drinks . This drink mempu lower cholesterol and maintain heart health because grapefruit juice has soluble fiber ( pectin ) that much more when compared with other citrus varieties , namely 3.9 % pectin .Here is the content of nutrients and minerals in grapefruit , namely :• Energy : 48 ( kcal )• Protein : 0.6 g• Fat : 0.2 g• Carbohydrates : 12.4 g• Calcium : 23 mg• Phosphorus : 27 mg• Iron : 0.5 mg• Vitamin A : 20 SI• Vitamin B1 : 0.04 mg• Vitamin C : 43 mg• Lycopene : 350 micrograms

perfect fruit

perfect fruit

Pomelo fruit is rich in vitamins B, B1, B2, provitamin A, and folic acid. Viewing of this content, Grapefruit very useful to fight free radicals because these compounds are powerful antioxidants. Thus consuming Pomelo fruit can prevent acne, spots or stains on the face, and even skin cancer.

 Benefits of Grapefruit does not stop there, Pomelo fruit can be used to shrink pores and cleanses the skin and removes blackheads. How to make it quite simple, it takes only a Grapefruit pulp, egg white and freshly squeezed lemon juice to taste. Mix all ingredients and use as a natural facial mask, leave on for about 15 minutes then rinse with clean water. In order for maximum results, use the facial mask once a week on a regular basis.

pomelo is a citrus varieties have the largest size . Not only its large size , grapefruit also have a thick skin anyway . Grapefruit skin is usually used as a toy or thrown away . This is unfortunate because with little further processing , grapefruit peel can bring economic value is quite promising . As the name implies , these oranges come from Bali . The fruit is round with a slightly tapered top and bottom horizontal . Fruit size is not that big compared to other large citrus . The outer skin of the fruit is green when young and old after changing into yellowish . Keadaari skin is thinner than other citrus . Pink flesh with a sweet flavor , smooth texture , and juicy . The flesh is very close to one another. The number of seeds a bit , and some have no seeds at all . generally between 515 m tall tree . Tree canopy rather low and wide with irregular branching . The tip of ducking usually branching . Stem diameters between 10-30 cm .

Almost everyone knows grapefruit . Of all kinds of oranges , grapefruit or pomelo is a citrus -the biggest scientific name Citrus grandis . The fruit is oval , slightly pointed top and flat bottom . Skin yellowish green fruit , red fruit flesh and there are also white and tastes quite sweet yet slightly tart , smooth texture and watery banyak.Daging fruit can be eaten after the peel , orange juice is made or can be used for a mixed salad and salad . But in addition to fresh fruit , grapefruit peel are always considered as waste turned out to also have a pretty good economic value .In Indonesia , the orange peel is known to be very thick and padded so it 's too bad if it is not utilized . Grapefruit peel usually used to make toys by children , but other than that it turns grapefruit peel can be processed into food lezat.Pada grapefruit peel basically does have a bitter taste , and smell Sengir bitter , but with a good and correct processing the bitter taste can be removed so that it will produce a good quality product and can be accepted by consumers . One form is processed orange peel jam .

citrus fruit is round

citrus fruit is round

Grapefruit is a large citrus fruit other than orange keluargabuah , about 10-12 cm in diameter . His skin is thick , glossy , greenish yellow skin color . As with other citrus fruits , meat Grapefruit has a segmented , the segments are covered with a membrane that is strong , thin , fibrous , and is called the albedo . Meat Grapefruit very juissy and taste somewhat bitter .
      Pomelo fruit can be stored at room temperature for a week or ventilated in the refrigerator for 6-8 days .Pomelo fruit can be processed into juice drink for breakfast , drinks companion snack , appetizer or dinner drinks . Pomelo fruit can be mixed with sugar as a hot orange drink . In addition ,Pomelo fruit can be added to vegetable salads , avocado mixed in salads seafood dishes . Grapefruit skin can be made ​​preserves or jam .
The types of fruit Grapefruit most tekenal is White Marsh , Flame , Rio Red and Star Ruby . While this type of Pomelo fruit is less well known is Duncan and Golden .Pomelo fruit was first found in China 4000 years ago . The other type is Polemo derived precisely from the island of Jamaica Barbados.Buah Grapefruit has large trees , tall with lush leaves . Grapefruit growing in the area rather hot temperatures .Currently , Florida , Texas , and California can meet 90 % of world production .

Name grapefruit only known in Indonesia. In other countries, pomelo had another name. For example, in the Philippines, locals menyebutkanya suha or lukban. Meanwhile, the Thai people call som-oh. In Bangladesh, this jumbo orange nicknamed jambura, and the Chinese people know him as youzi.jeruk bali including seasonal fruit. Within a year, the farmers harvest only perform up to two times. But actually, in addition to the harvest season, pomelo trees can still bear fruit, although the amount of sweet grapefruit terbatas.Memilih tricky. You see, grapefruit peel usually green or yellow when ripe. To find the sweet orange, we have to look at the contents of the flesh. In Indonesia, grapefruit cultivated by means of grafting. It is mainly for this type of grapefruit that has no seeds. How to graft cultivation was more profitable than planting seeds or cuttings, because the cropping period is shorte

beautiful fruit

 beautiful fruit

 Grapefruit is a citrus fruit including types that have a larger size when compared to the type of citrus grapefruit lain.Buah have thick skin greenish, watery fruit, red fruit flesh, and has a sweet taste, sour and slightly getir.Jika compared with white grapefruit, red grapefruit has a better ability to reduce levels of fat, addition of red grapefruit also contain high antioxidant which can prevent the growth of cancer cells and prevent premature aging.

White layer on the skin that grapefruit has a bitter taste , but this layer can reduce levels kolesterol.Buah grapefruit contains many vitamins , minerals , flavonoids , and antioxidants that are very high ( pectin and lycopene ) . Even the content of lycopene in grapefruit is equivalent to 2 times the beta-carotene and 10 times that of vitamin E.Selain the ability of lycopene from grapefruit in preventing the oxidation of bad cholesterol or LDL ( Low Density Lipoprotein ) is better than beta-carotene .

In addition to direct eaten , the fruit is usually processed into juice drinks . This drink mempu lower cholesterol and maintain heart health because grapefruit juice has soluble fiber ( pectin ) that much more when compared with other citrus varieties , namely 3.9 % pectin .Here is the content of nutrients and minerals in grapefruit , namely : Energy : 48 ( kcal ),  Protein : 0.6 g, Fat : 0.2 g, Carbohydrates : 12.4 g, Calcium : 23 mg, Phosphorus : 27 mg, Iron : 0.5 mg, Vitamin A : 20 SI,Vitamin B1 : 0.04 mg.;

The types of fruit Grapefruit most tekenal is White Marsh, Flame, Rio Red and Star Ruby. While this type of Pomelo fruit is less well known is Duncan and Golden. Pomelo fruit was first found in China 4000 years ago. The other type is Polemo derived precisely from the island of Jamaica Barbados.Buah Grapefruit has large trees, tall with lush leaves. Grapefruit growing in the area rather hot temperatures. Currently, Florida, Texas, and California can meet 90% of world production.